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A Safe And Natural Way To Lose Weight For Good

You’ve probably tried dieting, diet fads, diet pills, and exercising, and yet, the elusive goal of losing weight has slipped you by. Diet fads are just that — fads — and diet pills, well, as we all know from the example of Fen-Phen, they can be very dangerous and are not even worth the risk. And, let me guess, the combination of dieting and exercising lasted for only a short period of time because you lost your willpower and went back to your old eating habits.

Why have you not lost weight with diet and exercise alone?


Willpower is an insufficient tool in our weight-loss journey. Willpower is located in the conscious part of our brain. It gives a short burst of mental energy for a short period of time, and no more. That explains why you do so well at the beginning of all your diet and exercise routines, but then end up back in the same rut. The moment your willpower runs out, you go back to your old behavioral patterns, which are the same ones that made you gain weight in the first place.


Why hypnosis for weight loss?


Because our habits and behaviors are located in our subconscious mind, this is the part of our mind that we must access to create real, long-lasting changes. This part of your brain runs on automatic. Whenever you are faced with a new situation, your mind — faster than the blink of an eye — goes to this same place to find information (negative and positive behavioral patterns) on how you have reacted to this same or similar situation in the past.


Here is an example: Let’s say that you have a weakness for sweets and you are out at a restaurant. You may have eaten a sensible dinner, but once the dessert cart comes by, the smells, sights, and even memories of what it’s like to bite down on your favorite dessert are automatically triggered. You begin to salivate, and in no time respond with, “I’ll take that one!”


Think back to the last scenario where you were tempted to eat that certain something that you knew didn’t fit with your weight loss goals. Remember how you suffered and mulled over eating it until you at last gave in. By the next day or so, you were already feeling bad about yourself. You know the feeling. It’s a vicious cycle.


Hypnosis allows us to access the subconscious part of the mind to create the changes you want so that you don’t have to suffer or consciously deprive yourself to achieve your goals. That’s because the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious. It is the source of your real power — your decision-making self, the very core of who you are, resides there. In fact, it is estimated that about 88 percent of our mind power is purely subconscious, which is why hypnosis is so effective at creating long-lasting change.


Now that you know the mechanics of why you haven’t been able to successfully lose weight on your own, you can stop feeling guilty or angry with yourself about your weight. Now you know that there is something out there that can help you create the changes you want. Losing weight isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about taking back control and doing it in a balanced, sustained manner.

Scientific studies support hypnosis for weight loss


“[Those] using non-conscious self-regulatory systems [hypnosis] were less stressed after refusing candy and more able to persevere on challenging tasks than those using only conscious choice.”

— U. of Minnesota Social Psych Researcher, January 2006


Long Term Results – 109 people were advised to change their diet and get exercise, while a subgroup had these ideas reinforced during hypnosis. After nine weeks, both groups lost weight. Two years and eight months later, researchers followed up with the group and found that the hypnosis subgroup continued to move, eat properly, and lose weight, while the non-hypnosis group gained most of their weight back.


“…it is clear that hypnosis supports diet and exercise adherence.” (“Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management,” David N Bolocofsky; Dwayne Spinler, Linda Coulthard-Morris, (1985), Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41 (1), 35-41)

Hypnosis allows you to say goodbye to emotional eating stemming from:


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Bad Childhood Eating Patterns

  • A Subconscious Desire For Protection

Weight loss hypnosis sessions will create positive behavioral patterns specifically designed to aid in weight loss. These include:


  • Craving healthy foods

  • Drinking more water

  • Losing interest in eating sugar or fatty foods

  • Creating a deep-seated desire to exercise and be active

If you are serious about once and for all releasing the weight that doesn't belong on your body, get in touch today to discuss the suitability of your needs and hypnotherapy as an agent of your change.


The Change Method offers a powerful combination of therapeutic hypnosis and state-of-the-art mental coaching techniques to help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals.

We are proud to serve Los Angeles and beyond via Skype, Zoom and FaceTime. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or get more information, please call (424) 645-7517 or email us via the form below.




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Thank you for reaching out!

Image by Minh Pham

Related Tags: Hypnosis Weight Loss Los Angeles, Self-Confidence, Stress and Anxiety, Motivation, Bad Habits, Fears, Los Angeles Best Hypnotherapy, Santa Monica best hypnosis to lose weight, Self-Care Tools, Lose weight with hypnosis

Founded by Los Angeles Certified Hypnotherapist & Award-Winning Coach Brice Le Roux, The Change Method offers a powerful combination of personal coaching backed up with state-of-the-art hypnosis techniques to help you achieve lasting positive changes.

Founded by Los Angeles based hypnotherapist and coach Brice Le Roux, The Change Method offers a powerful combination of therapeutic hypnosis and state-of-the-art mental coaching techniques to help you achieve lasting positive changes and reach your highest potential.

Areas served:

Los Angeles board certified hypnotherapy and coaching | Coaching Santa Monica | Brentwood | Hypnotherapist Beverly Hills | Pacific Palisades | Marina del Rey | Venice | Culver City | Hypnotherapy Hollywood | Malibu
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Brice Le Roux Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

2001 S Barrington Ave #312 

Los Angeles

CA 90025

(424) 645-7517

©2014-2025. Brice Le Roux Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy. Coach and Hypnotherapist in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California. Areas of specialization include, but are not limited to, performance improvement, stress and anxiety, healing, confidence, balance, discipline and motivation.

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